Tuesday, December 14, 2010

-- Good Mooning --

We got a major snowstorm (major exaggeration) this past weekend and it actually was still snowing Monday morning when I left for San Diego.

Mike cleared off my car and even warmed it up for me as it had been sitting all weekend.  He loaded all my luggage and gave me a kiss goodbye.  Muah!

I called him as soon as I had left and driven down the alley because I forgot my wedding ring.  When I do the dishes I put it in a dish to the side of the sink so that it doesn't slip off my finger.  So I drove around front and then back down the alley so that he could bring it to me. 

Oh... he brought it to me. 
It was -4 degrees windchill, probably 12 degrees and snowing and here he comes...
Running out in a t-shirt and his underwear and his duck shoes... OMG!!!
I was laughing so hard!!! 
Then on the way back into the garage he mooned me. 

Anyone else have a husband that is this immature? 

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