Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wake Up

Is this a sign of what's to come? 

The other night I was awoken by my baby boys...that is to say my dogs, Lex and Louie. 
I'd like to put a little bit of emphasis on the "I" in that sentence as I was the only one that woke up. 

Lex comes up to my side of the bed and starts barking.  It's 3am.  Lex will also start licking you as well, to get you to wake up.  I get up at 4:45 Lex, just let me sleep.  Don't you think their bladders could wait an hour?!?  No...apparently they needed to go out RIGHT THEN.  Or, they'd been barking for a while and finally got me to wake up.   

Mike didn't even budge.  Or if he did, he plays a good sleeper. 

Does this mean that when we start a family that he won't budge for the babies?  Or is there something different about an annoying dog bark than a baby cry?  Any tips for how to get him to get up in the middle of the night instead of me?!?  I see this not going well...

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